Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Characters from the Game of Clue in Color

*Need Art*

Clue Characters and Monocromatic Color
Medium: Tempura Paint

Reason for the Lesson: This is an opportunity to discuss the concept of monochromatic art.  Which is creating art using one color!  By adding either white or black the color values can be changed.  This is a great lesson to use after the color wheel has been introduced.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Classroom Time: 1 1/2 to 2 hours (can break down into two sessions)
Materials: Clue character game pieces, 11x14 paper, tempura paints in colors of the clue characters and white and black, pencils, fine sharpies,
Preparation: Collect materials. Prepare to discuss monochromatic colors. Investigate how to draw cartoon characters.

Instructions for Leading this Lesson:
Explain to the class that they’ll be drawing cartoon characters from the game ‘Clue’, choosing one of the six characters; Colonel Mustard, Mrs. Peacock, Mr. Green, Ms. White and Miss Scarlet and Professor Plum.   Then using paint, explain they'll be creating a monochromatic painting of each of their characters. 

Step one, instruct the class how to draw their cartoon characters.  Offer a warm up exercise on how to draw cartoon people draw people and facial expressions.

Step two, discuss how to create lighter and darker shades of one color.  Demonstrate in front of the class how to make a color lighter by adding white.  Then demonstrate how to make it darker by adding very, very, very little black.

Then it was the classes turn to begin creating their CLUE characters.  They each selected their character then began drawing.  After that, the fun began with the mixing of colors!  Each student was given their color (for their character) AND white and black paint.  They mixed and mixed until they created the shades they wanted to use.  Then the painting began!

What you see here is a result of this art lesson!

Credit: Art Attack Program

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