Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Analogous Ice Cream Cone

Medium:  Oil Pastel
Reason for Lesson:  Introduction to Color Wheel, Oil Pastels, and Shading technique
From Student’s Desk: Pencil, Eraser, Ruler or Straight Edge, Glue Stick
 Materials to supply to student:
White paper,
Colored paper to mount artwork on.
Oil Pastels
One crayon – any color – to compare with oil pastels
Plastic cup for circle template
One paper towel – to wipe off the white pastel

Instructions to Lead Lesson: 

Introduce the Color Wheel
Primary Colors – Red, Blue, Yellow
Secondary Colors – colors you make when you mix primary colors: Purple, Green, Orange
Complimentary Color- colors across from one another
Analogous Color – Colors next to each other- our focus!
Tint – When you add WHITE to a color
Shade – When you add black to a color

1. Start with pencils – instruct students on drawing a triangle (use their rulers) for cone on the bottom, and three or four circles for the “scoops”. Students can use the cups to trace circles. Circles should overlap slightly.

2. Erase lines where circles overlap and add a squiggly line, to look like ice cream is melting.
 3. EXPLAIN SHADING before students open oil pastels. Shine light on a ball and talk about what side is lighter and what side is darker.


4. Get out Oil Pastels – as a class order them like a color wheel – or rainbow, this will help students determine what colors are analogous/next to each other on color wheel.

5. Have students write name on back of project with the oil pastels,also have them write it with a crayon. Note crayons are made of wax, PASTELS are made of wax plus oil. How does it feel different?

6. Work through the lesson doing one scoop at a time so you can reiterate what “analogous color” means. If they get ahead they will miss the point.

Each student picks a color to do the TOP SCOOP  (note: in picture I started with the cone, but it is much better to start at the top and work down so students are not dragging their arm through their work and smudging it.)

         a. Outline the top scoop with their color of their choice.
         b. LIGHTLY color it in.
c. Make it darker on the left side by adding another coat of the same color pastel
e. WIPE off the white pastel tip if there is any color on it, and add white to the lighter side of the ice cream scoop.
For the next scoop: Students will use an analogous color to the top scoop. In other words if their top scoop was yellow, they could choose orange or green for the scoop below it because yellow is next to those colors on the color wheel.
For the third scoop: choose the next analogous color in order. So if top scoop was yellow, next was orange, and the third would be red. Note, if they started with yellow and went the other way on the color wheel, the order would then be yellow, green, blue, purple.

7. For the cone, choose brown and repeat the shading process
8. Mount work to a construction paper, color of their choice, using a glue stick. 


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